Monday, March 11, 2013

Unceasing Thanks

So I’ll never stop giving thanks to my God, who kept me faithful in the time of my temptation. I can today with confidence offer my soul to Christ my Lord as a living sacrifice. 
He is the one who defended me in all my difficulties. I can say: Who am I, Lord, or what is my calling, that you have worked with me with such divine presence? This is how I come to praise and magnify Your name among the nations all the time, wherever I am, not only in good times but in the difficult times too. Whatever comes about for me, good or bad, I ought to accept them equally and give thanks to God. 
He has shown me that I can put my faith in Him without wavering and without end. However ignorant I am, He has heard me, so that in these late days I can dare to undertake such a holy and wonderful work.  

- Patrick of Ireland (390-461), Confessio, Paragraph 34

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Encouragement for the Believer

God loves you now. 
Right now. 
He doesn’t love some future version of you that tries harder, is more obedient, that pays him back for your sins, or that proves that you deserve love. 
While you were a sinner He died for you because He loved you, and He still loves you now.

Justin & Lindsey Holcomb, Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault, Crossway Publishers, 2011, pg. 117